SpinDoctor Winter

Spin Doctor
Spin Doctor Virtual Classes
This gives you the flexibility to choose what you like to compliment your training.
Spin Doctor Classes
All our workouts are based on FTP, which stands for Functional Threshold Power. FTP is defined as the highest average power you can sustain for approximately one hour, measured in watts. All workouts are designed by Coach Sarah Robbins.
Threshold Workout
Description:Threshold workouts are performed at effort levels slightly above or slightly below FTP from 2-8min in duration. Threshold workouts aim to maintain a high level of work, enhancing muscular endurance. Threshold intervals can increase your ability to better process lactate, thereby increasing not only how long you can work above FTP, but also increasing FTP itself.
Sweet Spot Workout
Description:The aim of sweet spot workouts is to further your aerobic capabilities and increase your muscle endurance. Sweet Spot workouts are comprised of efforts ranging from 88-94% of FTP from 8-20 minutes.
Threshold Workout
Description:Threshold workouts are performed at effort levels slightly above or slightly below FTP from 2-8min in duration. Threshold workouts aim to maintain a high level of work, enhancing muscular endurance. Threshold intervals can increase your ability to better process lactate, thereby increasing not only how long you can work above FTP, but also increasing FTP itself.
Yin Yoga Cycle Workout
Description: An awesome combination. A 90 minute class with the first half doing a heart thumping spin work out. For the second 45 minutes, you will transition to your Yin Yoga. It is a slow practice that works on getting deep into your connective tissues to lengthen and strengthen. A relaxing way to end an invigorating heart pounding spin session.